2020 Council Events and Activities
Blood Drive December 13th
Breakfast with Santa December 5th
At Fr. Tom’s request, The Knights of Columbus provided the initial impetus for making it happen, with some basic setup planning and manpower, and most importantly, the “Can Do” mentality. The Knights teamed with the Team Ministry, Parish Office, and Religious Formation to make it a success. As with any project with a short planning window, we had wrinkles to work out. Once the plan was in motion, a lot of the wrinkles were smoothed out.
Tom Zobele provided the initial volunteer to stand up the project. Joining him were Tom Monroe, Frank Lieto, Larry Dawkins, Walter Urban, Tim Glackin (WGT), Ed Koch and Tim Connelly.
Frank provided sound brotherly advice with the initial setup prior to getting Walter on board. A Consiglieri is very important!
Walter’s experience with Breakfast With Santa events in the past provided the catalyst that allowed us to move forward, set a strategy and make basic planning decisions around resources and dates.
Walter handled the procurement (frame materials, food, etc.) and most of the setup for the day. He also designed the Plexi Glass Screen for Santa, an engineering marvel!
Jackie Ferrari handled scheduling changes and arrangements to secure the room around the mass schedule.
At Judy Koch’s direction, Tim and Ed loaded the bagel bags on Saturday. After fixing the Bagel Bags, Tim Glackin stayed and helped Walter finish the screen.
Larry Dawkins provided the trains.
Kristin McPherson and Judy Koch with the help of the teens set up the decorations. Kristin and Tim Glackin provided awnings and Christmas lights for décor.
Judy Koch and Miriam Nawab of Religious Formation handled reservations. Judy Koch manned the table for sign in and writing letters to Santa. The teen ministry manned the various tables and assisted with moving people through the line.
And of course, Anthony Siniscalco, with his vast network of contacts, was able to pull to pull some strings and arrange a visit from Santa and make sure Santa’s chairs and benches were delivered on time.
Coats for Kids October 29th
Pictured at the Readington Township Municipal building (from left to right)
Council Meeting on May 6th
Rosary For Life on May 3rd with Social Distancing
COVID-19 Masks to Veterans April 28th
Tom Monroe hand crafted 32 masks and delivered them to the Veterans at the VA in Lions, New Jersey. Sonia was grateful. More to be delivered next week. God Bless all of our disabled vets and those who care for them.
Another 30 cloth masks delivered to the VA Lyons health care on May 6th with ear savers from St Elizabeth Ann Seton Crocheting Team.
Captain Jack 4th Degree Fund Raiser February 15th
Pancake Breakfast January 10th
24 Brothers served over 140 meals. Specialty was chocolate chip pancakes. No Bacon was burned.